Childbirth Classes

Childbirth Classes

Join me for childbirth and breastfeeding classes, where I empower expectant parents with knowledge and confidence. Through interactive sessions, I cover topics such as labor techniques, pain management options, breastfeeding basics, and newborn care. My classes provide valuable information and practical skills to help parents make informed decisions and embrace their parenting journey.

$25 – $35 an hour

Comfort measures for labor

Hands-on Physical preparation for labor and birth makes this our most popular class. This 6 hour Workshop is a fantastic child birth education course, which can be used as a refresher, or just as a standalone class. The central focus of this course is to practice comfort techniques. We demonstrate and rehearse different positions for labor, birth, breathing, vocalization, Therapeutic Touch, visualization, relaxation and other Comfort measures. Learn how to create a peaceful environment, use tools such as a birth ball and much more. Partners learn ways to be supportive in labor. This class includes a take-home packet to help you remember what we covered.

When taking childbirth education classes with Sacred Knowledge you will receive information on:

  • Impending signs of labor
  • Ways to identify when you’re in labor
  • What to do when your water breaks
  • Ways for making delivery more comfortable, including massage and counter pressure
  • Techniques to relax, breathe and distract yourself (or do all three simultaneously) to get some relief
  • Various labor positions that can help your baby line up with your pelvis, speed your labor and relieve pain
  • Pain relief options, including how and when to request them
  • The stages and phrases of a normal labor and delivery
  • Possible delivery complications and how they might be handled
  • Other medical interventions that may be used, such as a C-section or induction
  • Birth planning assistance, including birth plans and information about where you can give birth (like hospital births versus delivering in a birthing center or at home)
  • Hands-on instruction in alternative approaches to pain relief
  • Basics to care for your newborn baby, including postpartum care and breastfeeding
    Other benefiats of childbirth classes

In addition to hands-on learning opportunities, benefits include:

  • The opportunity to bond with other expectant couples
  • Sharing your concerns with other parents-to-be and the instructor
  • A chance for your partner to join in — and a way to connect with your birthing partner or labor coach
  • Addressing your fears
  • Confidence that can help you to have a more satisfying childbirth experience
  • Ample opportunity for questions, and to practice techniques in class

When to take a birthing class

Classes start in the third trimester, which tend to focus on labor, delivery and postpartum, mother and newborn care

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